Friday, June 25, 2010

conference planning

Alice Platt, Digital Initiatives Librarian. I will be attending the Open Repositories 2010 conference next week in Madrid, Spain. The intention of this blog is to capture my in-the-moment impressions of conference sessions, and perhaps serve as an additional resource to anyone following the conference remotely.

From a professional standpoint, I expect this conference to provide exposure to the new developments in open access repositories, as well as show off some neat new tricks in DSpace 1.6. I imagine I will return home rather humbled; it is always a challenge to evaluate the cool exciting things you see at conferences and translate them to cool exciting things to implement at your home institution. I do see some rather elementary topics are covered, such as SWORD, which I've heard about for the past year, but don't yet completely understand. I'm glad they haven't forgotten those of us who haven't quite picked up on all the technical capabilities of DSpace.

Personally, I'm excited to go to Madrid and interact with so many developers and librarians. Should be good times.